Thursday, September 18, 2008


so i think that most people would agree that the field trip today was pretty radical.

looking at all the galleries has really got me in an artsy mood... i'm not to keen on catching up on my calculus homework that i missed from today, so i'm blogging.
yeah man.

i don't really have anything in mind yet but i think i'm going to do some painting/ sketching tonight. the two artists from today that really stuck in my mind were the optical illusion-esque painting guy, and the woman who did the little embroidered plates... we'll see where that takes me.

this is old, but i don't know what else to put in here, so here's a drawing i did last year that turned out really well.

oh! i can put in something from my new sketchbook!
this is what i like to do in my spare time...(it's my ring)

(it's me! yay!)


LHS AP 2-D said...

Ali- Have you caught the blogging bug? I know I have. I can't wait to see your photos from the trip and see where they take you in your work. If your feeling artsy this weekend, go for it and start working on the piece. It can be whatever your brain wants it to be!

monica marcus said...

that stapler blows my mind.
stop being so good at art ali, you're making me jealous. :]