Okay, so we saw this guy at one of the galleries in Portland that we visited on our field trip, but he had fallen to the back of my mind. Michael Knutson does crazy abstract-geometric paintings. Looking at his website, it is clear that he can do true-to-life art, but this is where his interests lay. He paints blocks of color that make it look like the canvas is covered with 3-D prisms. The colors he chooses are awesome! I am just fascinated by how he can do something so repetitive as this in nature and make the piece look complete/ finished. They look like those optical illusion, "Magic Eye" book things-- maybe if you squint just the right way, an elephant will pop up.... His work also reminds me of the movie Labyrinth, with David Bowie.... anyone else?
Looking at his gallery, you can really see the progression of his work from more basic fractals to page-covering-spirals.